Monday, October 12, 2009

Appreciating every little thing in life.

Yes, like the tittle said.
Its important to appreciate every little thing in your life
The fact is, people tend not to know how little things in life
surrounding them is the most important things in their life.
Some think that their life is the worst and they did not know that
some people out there have suffered worst than them.
Life isn't about getting all you want, life is about feeling grateful for
what you have now instead of complaining about what you have.
Haha, I was like that! Complaining about the things that I don't have
and things that is unfair.
If life was fair, it won't be called life!
U see, I soon understood why it is important to appreciate things around you.
I have nice family, and nice friends! What could I still ask for?
At least I wanna ask for one more thing. That I can study hard, Haha :)
Well, I'm happy now as I have friends that I know cared about me
and take the time to listen to my problems.
That's all I wanna blurt out.
Just feels like sharing what I think.
Alright, have a class now. So, goodbye :)

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